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The Demeter Biodynamic Standard

As the first Demeter manufacturer of baby foods, Holle has always been closely linked to biodynamic agriculture. Approximately 80% of our products carry the Demeter seal,the highest standard internationally for holistic, ecological, and ethical practices that take organic farming one step further. 

Holle products that bear the Demeter seal are cultivated in accordance with biodynamic guidelines and produced in harmony with nature. Through the absence of herbicides, chemicals, and synthetic pesticides, an average of 33% more species can be found on biodynamic farms than on conventionally cultivated land.

Demeter farmers focus on the holistic quality of their products by raising their animals in a uniquely humane and caring environment. This includes not removing their horns - a painful procedure for the animal. Horns are involved in a cow's and/or goat's digestive process, and retaining them impacts on the composition of the milk, including keeping high levels of vitamin E, beta carotene, and valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. By keeping their horns in tact, Demeter-raised animals produce wholesome and tasty milk - the ideal base for Holle milk and formulas.

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